Do you need a Job?

Start to Earn money within minutes
It was just about a year ago in 2009; President Obama signed the mega-billion stimulus package into law, claiming that the unemployment rate would not surpass 8 percent. However, in the early months of 2010 the unemployment rate as been as high as 10.4% according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. This figure has receded some, down to 9.7% for June, but much of this dip can be attributed to the 411,000 temporary workers that were hired to do US Census work.
If you are one of the nearly one in ten people who finds themselves without a job in these troubled economic times, there are ways to make extra money at home while you keep hitting the job market hard. For example, taking paid surveys is a good way to earn some extra cash that can be put toward paying the bills, buying groceries or covering your healthcare premiums. As a supplement to your unemployment check or part-time job, this can help get you through the rough patches until you can land a permanent position.

Online surveys may compensate you for your opinions in the range of $2 to $10 per survey depending on the length, complexity and the company conducting the research. While you obviously aren't going to be able to call this a full-time gig, you can make a worthwhile endeavor if you have several surveys lined up per day. In order to maximize your opportunities to take online surveys for money, register with as many survey sites as you can and then when an invitation to participate comes your way, promptly complete the questions. Often, the more active you are taking surveys with a particular survey site, the more invitations you will receive.

Focus groups are another good way to make some extra money in your down time between interviews. Unlike online surveys, focus groups require you to meet at the researcher's facility with a group of other consumers to share opinions in a moderated, roundtable format. Because participation in focus groups required travel time and a higher level of input, payment for completing can often be much higher. Occasionally, online focus groups can be found that offer the same multi-person exchange of ideas in an "online chat" or "webinar" type format.

Utilize these 5 websites, and start making cool money within minutes


  1. You can earn $20 for each 20 minute survey!

    Guess what? This is exactly what large companies are paying me for. They need to know what their average customer needs and wants. So big companies pay millions of dollars every month to the average person. In return, the average person, like myself, fills out surveys and gives them their opinion.

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